Thursday, May 21, 2020
My Personal Teaching Style And My Student s Learning Styles
I thoroughly enjoyed the reading, Learning and Teaching Styles In Foreign and Second Language Education by Richard M. Felder –Eunice R. Henriques. I have related this reading selection to my personal teaching/ learning style and my student’s learning styles, but especially to one particular student that I work with. The students’ on my caseload have disabilities that range from the following: verbal, sensory, auditory skills, and emotional and behavior disorders. Most of my students’ have specific learning disabilities that relate to the basic psychological processes that involve, understanding or using spoken or written language, which may contribute to their ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell and to perform mathematical calculations. One of my students, who I will refer to as, JV has a behavior disorder. It’s important to note that children with behavioral disorders do not necessarily have learning disabilities. JV is achieving above grade level with his reading fluency, yet requires ongoing support with behavior issues. To be specific, he is constantly making noises, will get out of his seat and roam about the room, lose focus and begin talking about different things that interest him. It is very difficult for JV to maintain focus for long unless a stimulating environment is provided. I decided to reach JV by providing material that is of interest to him. Stories that relate to his interest that he has selected are being used with instructionalShow MoreRelatedMy Teaching Toolbox.. Educ 6513: Teaching Adult Learners.1101 Words  | 5 Pages My Teaching Toolbox. 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