Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Literature Review on the Battle of Kursk - 1490 Words
The Battle of Kursk was one of the most important clashes in the Second World War partly because of the impressive amount of armored units taking part in the conflict and partly because it represented a turning point for the Soviets, as their victory played an essential role in the war. M. K. Barbiers book KURSK: THE GREATEST TANK BATTLE, 1943 provides a complex account of the conflict and emphasizes its strategic significance for the Germans, as this was their last great offensive. The fact that the book supports information with rare photographs further contributes to the general feeling it puts across and makes it possible for readers to acknowledge the intensity of this particular battle. Barbier documents each stage of the battle and provides maps to display how each of the two belligerent camps moved as the conflict progressed. Robin Cross The Battle of Kursk: Operation Citadel 1943 does a similarly good job at describing the most important moments of the battle. The book emphasizes how Hitler thought that stronger forces would be needed upon hearing that Kurt Zeitzler was confident that ten to twelve panzer divisions, with supporting infantry, would be sufficient for the operation, code-named Zitadelle. Cross book is also significant because it presents readers with the events leading up to the battle and the starting moments of the conflict. This enables people to get a better understanding of why and how each event in the battle took place. Even withShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesINTRODUCTION whole, treats the two wars and their prehistory and aftermaths as genuinely global phenomena, not as conflicts among the great powers of Europe, the United States, and Japan, which has been the obsessive focus of most of the vast literature on this subject that defined much of twentieth-century history. As Carl Guarneri argues cogently in his contribution to the collection, which provides the fullest bibliographic references, the emergence of the United States first as one of the
Monday, December 23, 2019
Honor, Fear And Interest Are Thucydides’S Reason For...
Honor, fear and interest are Thucydides’s reason for war.(site) The On 20 March 2003 the United State chose to invade Iraq for all three of these reasons. President George W Bush made the decision and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and CENTCOM Commander, General Tommy Franks executed the mission. All three men shared responsibility for the less than effective initial planning for the war that set the United States on the road toward ultimate defeat. CENTCOM initial planning for Iraqi Freedom failed to comply with current JP 5-0. These deficiencies in JOPP created large amount strategic risk in the overall execution of the mission. Simply put, CENTCOM’s ways and means did not support the POTUS’ ends. (site) Cobra II, the final†¦show more content†¦Without this understanding they ignored or assumed away phase IV inadequacies. (site) Second, Franks and his planners’ failed to conduct operational design before planning OIF. (old plan)Thi s lack of understanding of the Iraqi operational environment and made many of their planning assumption and subsequently their planning decisions counter productive or unless to the achievement of the National Strategic Objectives Ends. Thirdly, Rumsfeld’s subjected the plan to his dominating desire to remake modern warfare by invading with a small, agile and lethal force, regardless of strategic risk involved. (site) He considered OPLAN 1003-98 old fashion and thought it was outdated that securing Iraq would take more soldiers that defeating it. (site) Lastly, during the initial planning of OIF, Bush failed to take charge and ensure CENTCOM’s plans supported his objectives. These failures ensured a gap between the POTUS strategic ends and CENTCOM ways and means. This invited strategic risk as define in JP 5-0.(JP III-1) In 2002 during OIF initial planning President George W Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld severely limited Franks’ opportunity to conduct effective operation design by failing to synchronize and clarifying the strategic objectives for the Iraq Invasion. In mid August, 2002, Bush issued a top secret guidance titled â€Å"Iraq: Goals, Objectives and Strategy†this document provided clear National Strategic Ends, and one of his objective describe
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Toddlers and Tiaras Free Essays
Toddlers and Tiaras 2 Screaming crowds (mostly hysterical mothers), make-up, hair extensions, teased hairstyles, clouds of hairspray, fake teeth, false eyelashes, spray tans, elegant costumes, weird postures, twitched face expressions, tiaras, trophies, money and more or less talent are the ingredients for the usual children beauty pageants. Those young girls that compete in these beauty contests are between ages 3 to 10 and sometimes even younger than 2 years old and usually have one only goal, get the money and get the tiara (tiara and/or trophy and/or ribbon). Of course, these insane mothers/fathers (so called parents) enter these little beauties not at their own request into these pageants. We will write a custom essay sample on Toddlers and Tiaras or any similar topic only for you Order Now They fill in the applications on time, pay the participation fee, create or buy the outfit, establish the type of performance for the talent section, usually some song or dancing is a very popular talent to be displayed. The moms create and exercise the hairstyle and make-up, keep a strict rehearsal schedule, hire trainers if the mom herself cannot coach the whole thing, travel hundreds of miles with their children just to spend a weekend on an emotional roller coaster and hopefully win the competition. So why do these mothers put their young girls through this experience? Well, first of all, â€Å"For them to have fun and experience dress-up in a more complex environment. †Because she likes it and because she is beautiful, etc. Off the record more, the answers include the â€Å"For the money†and â€Å"Because she has to be number one. Anyway, for myself, the most feared answer to that question would be â€Å"Because I used to participate in such contests myself†, and no matter how that sentenced ends (I always won or I’ve never won, but I know she can do it! ). What can a child learn by being a professional/serial beauty pageant contestant? Well, encouraging the sense of competition and having a hobby to be dedicated to is okay, spending time with mom is great, but when you become a winning machine, and a Tiara chaser collector, serious psychological problems can occur. These contests promote Physical Beauty as the main value, with the talent section being a close second. These children, especially these little girls are going to pay so much attention to her looks and knowing she is being judged for it, will be very susceptible to develop eating disorders, such as Anorexia or Bulimia. Also, paranoid features can occur as a response to the, â€Å"No other girl here is your friend†between mother and daughter and you just smile on the outside and develop a little hatred inside for all other competitors. This also brings another problem to my mind, dissimulation as a form of interaction, which can be used outside contests too and become a habit. All those screaming crowds and rivers of tears and having to put on an act and playing a role could lead to learning hysteric behaviors. Anxiety is no stranger for these young girls either. If at first sight they seem to learn how to be prepared for stressful situation, think of this: what if the girl does not really want to participate and does this only to please her mother? What if she can’t actually dance or sing, but she has to do that anyway? And what if she feels embarrassed? What if she would rather like to spend time with friends in her home town and not in some cheap hotel miles away from her house? Then I believe yes, anxiety and frustration are near these children at all times. These and many other psychological problems can emerge from having to be something that you are not at a very early age. And inner problems are not the only ones. Displaying such a mature look (these girls are five or six years old, yet their faces look like those of at least 16 years old) may attract unwanted public, such as pedophiles. Paying the fee for your child’s picture to be posted on a website with heavy traffic is again, in my opinion, not the best choice to be made. Toddlers and Tiaras 3 Unfortunately, there have been cases of young pageant participants that have been victims in murder cases, so things are not as simple as one might think. In most cases, mothers are trying to live out their dreams through their children that they couldn’t accomplish themselves when they were younger. Playing dress-up with your daughter can be great, but why transform it into a full-time job? I must also mention that these competitions occur on weekends, so these children have no downtime or time to themselves to unwind and just play with their friends and do what children do best, â€Å"PLAY. So many things can be discussed about children beauty pageants, ranging from ethics, parenthood, mental health, development, competition or interpersonal relationships, but before I end, give your children time to make their own choices and fulfill their own dreams. Toddlers and Tiaras 4 References http://psychologycorner. com/toddlers-and-children-beauty-pageants-%E2%80%93-risk-factors- for-severe-psychological-turmoils/ How to cite Toddlers and Tiaras, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Bill Gates Essay Ending Example For Students
Bill Gates Essay Ending Bill GatesWe read books for a number of reasons but usually because we wantto or we have to. When you pick up a book it falls into one of three types,dependent on whether it is a want to or a have to type of book. First theresthe kind of book you pick up and like the look of but then the first chapter isso bad that you have to put it down because you are either too confused by theplot or you discover it has been written in some obscure untranslatable language. The second type is where the first chapter is slightly disappointing but it isworth pursuing so you read on. These books are often the type you recommend tofriends although you have only the basic sketch as to what they are about (suchas any pulp fiction novel youve read the story somewhere before but you areon holiday so it is either this or the guide book). The third type of book is a rare breed indeed. This is the book you read andthen read and then read some more. It is the type of book that you miss thingsfor. If you like computers and want to know more about them, about the history,and about the most important figure in this industry, then this is definitelythe third type of book.The book that I was able to read was Gates by Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews. It was about how man named Bill Gates became the foundation of computingindustry and how he reinvented an industry- and made himself the richest man inAmerica. William (Bill) Gates is the computer industrys youngest billionaire. Aspresident and CEO of Microsoft, he has made several important contributions tothe world of technology. Most people would probably picture him as being acomputer programmer but not with holding the position of chair and chiefexecutive officer (CEO) of a corporation. Actually, Bill Gates is both aprogrammer and CEO. To talk about Bill Gates one has to talk about the historyof Microsoft. Gates family was financially well off. His father, William H. Gates II, is aprominent attorney. His mother, Mary, is the director of First Interstate Bank. Early on in life, Gates parents placed him into Lakeside, an academicallychallenging private school. While at Lakeside, Gates met his close friend andfuture business partner Paul Allen. Together they entered the world ofprogramming at Lakeside. It all started on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, where one of thebrains behind Microsoft Corporation was born, William Henry Gates III. Atthirteen he started going to Lakeside School. A year later, the Mothers Clubinvested in a computer terminal for the students. Gates teamed up with threeother students to form The Lakeside Programmers Group. Their first real businessdeal was a payroll program they wrote for Information Sciences Inc., in 1971. At the young age of 15, Gates was able to crash the DEC operating system and theCDC, which were two of the most advanced computer systems at that time. Althoughhis ability to crash these two systems brought him some major trouble, it alsoled him to his first business adventure. Gates and Allen started the companyTraf-O-Data, which earned them $20,000. Gates and Allen developed a machine wasable to generate summary statistics on traffic flow from a rubber tube strungacross a highway. Unfortunately, Traf-O-Data was not a big success. However,after their Traf-O-Data adventure the Gates and Allen received a job offer withTRW, a corporation that produced software producta. They were able to earn$30,000 a year working with a software development group, which proved to be avery valuable experience for both Allen and Gates. Then in 1973 Gates startedat Harvard University, in Massachusetts. .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad , .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .postImageUrl , .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad , .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:hover , .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:visited , .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:active { border:0!important; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:active , .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u441e7a19c1489b64910c2dd2073ae3ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Context is all EssayIn December 1974, Paul Allen, the other brain behind Microsoft, saw an articlein Popular Electronics describing the Mango Information Technology Systems(MITS) Altair 8800, a home computer kit costing four hundred dollars. Thismagazine articlewould charge their lives and, ultimately, just abouteverybody elses. At that time, Gates and Allen contacted MITS to let them knowthey had a form of the computer language, called Basic, for the Altair 8800. Afew months later, the Basic language for the Altair was finished, and theysigned a deal with MITS. MITS offered Allen a job and office space for the twoof them to work in its headquarters. Gates and Allen referr ed to themselves asMicro-Soft at that time. Before long, they would set up Microsoft in its ownbuilding in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1977, Gates dropped out of Harvard University. Microsoft was released fromtheir contract with MITS and owned its Basic language program outright. Microsoft also made an agreement with Kuzuhiko Nishi for future softwaredevelopments in Japan. Two years later Microsoft moved to Seattle, due to thegrowth of the company. Microsoft made a deal with International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in1980, regarding a computer language and disk operating system for IBMs newrange of personal computers. So, Microsoft signed a deal to have the rights toQ-DOS, an operating system from Seattle Computer Products. They adapted Q-DOS towork with IBMs new personal computer. A year later, Microsoft came out with MS-DOS. In 1981, Gates decided that Microsoft should be in the market for applicationsoftware for personal computers users. Two years later, Microsoft launched theirfirst application program, WORD 1. Gates then announced that Microsoft was goingto be launching a new way to use a computer with a Graphical User Interface(GUI) know as Windows. They also introduced a hand-held pointing tool, the mouse,which changed the way one interfaces with the computer. Even though Allen had to leave Microsoft for health reasons in 1983, he remainsa director of Microsoft. On March 13, 1986, Gates and Allen become instantmillionaires when Microsoft was launched onto the stock exchange. Also that yearMicrosoft moved to Redmond, Washington, to accommodate its twelve hundredemployees. With the launch of Windows 3.0 in May 1990, Microsoft become thefirst personal computer software company to exceed over $1 billion in sales in asingle year. In June 1992, Gates accepted the National Medal of Technology fromPresident George Bush. Six months later, Microsoft became the worlds largestcomputer-industry company, based on the total value of its stock. After this book was published, I would like to mention that Bill Gates is nowmarried whose name is Melinda Gates and now has a daughter named JenniferKatharine Gates. Furthermore, he is now worth more then 17 billion dollars. Ofcourse, I am underestimating Bill Gatess wealth because it only counts hiscurrent holdings of Microsoft stock. The cars, houses, aircraft, helicopters,aircraft carriers, islands, and small European countries that he owns are notfigured in. I think that the authors wrote this book as part history, part biography,and part computing. This book is overflowing with detail of computer industrythe reason being that the authors are computer experts. Stephen Manes hascovered the computer industry for more than ten years as a columnist andcontributing editor for PC Magazine and PC Computing. Paul Andrews is a hightech reporter for the Seattle Times. The information in this book is amazingfrom starting of industry to where its headed. And from reading this book, Ifeel that Bill Gates and Microsoft are one in the sameone does not existwithout the other. Gates, they say, understands that his companys image isclosely linked to his own. No matter what people say about him, there is notelling where personal computing would be without him. What he has done willaffect the computer world for a long time. .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 , .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .postImageUrl , .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 , .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:hover , .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:visited , .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:active { border:0!important; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:active , .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578 .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u516788f5c3624fb9a4be7cf89bd89578:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: "Ex-Basketball Player" and "To an Athlete Dying Young" Comparison EssayBiographies
Friday, November 29, 2019
A Walk In My Shoes Hassan LaWadrian Essays
A Walk In My Shoes Hassan LaWadrian Essays A Walk In My Shoes Hassan LaWadrian Essay A Walk In My Shoes Hassan LaWadrian Essay The study of a day to day life for a person as myself is quite difficult, observing the patterns and changes that the mind goes through to perform is intriguing. From the start of waking up on a Monday morning for me, was much more different from the start on a Saturday morning. The day of the life starts as follows. The typical Monday starts off very fast paced, the ringing of the alarm has been sets for days ready to pounce off the dresser at 0530, tipping over the clock praying it was a dream. It reality it is not, hop out the bed running to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my air back into the worse pony tail imaginable. Then Off to slip on this p. T. Uniform to not only rush out the door and get to the bridge before it is blocked up by heavy morning traffic for all of those who knows 061 5 comes around in the morning when rushing for opt. We all know impression management peoples efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them falls heavy when we try to look good for other people so they will not judge in a certain way. Society as we know to be as a group of different individuals combines together to form something more than just one group, r people who share a culture and a territory has shared a lot of common ground in the military. We eat, breathe, and sleep the same patterns almost. We walk around knowing what to look for in a person, actually judging them and not even knowing it. Walking up to formation the eyes of everyone around are centered on you thinking heavily, Did I do something wrong this morning? Checking myself over and over again to ensure have on a belt, my socks are pulled over my ankles, and the most important is my pony tail. It gets me every time. Shortly after opt. Ends rushing back home to change into y uniform, my heart speeds up every second that goes by, it is like I can hear it ticking away. Living 15 minutes or so from base does not seem that far until being pushed for time and looking at the traffic speeds it up. After making it home to change and grab a bite to eat, starting the day really kicks into gear. In psychology terms, taking the roles of others is defines as putting yourself in someone elses shoes; understanding how someone else feels and thinks, so you anticipate how that person will act in which in this case I do every morning. Walking up to several people in my company I see their sections to almost the exact point it will happen. I have the tendency to replace them with me and take on some of the burden. Every day is nothing new, but the commander feels it is necessary to single out a few people to ease his emotions he carry. It is very obvious things are not right at home or work for him so he used his little power to make others feel the same. Push everyone he yells out, to see the reaction of the company, but in a way it is only hardship. The second he calls pushup he point his finger in a single direction with his eyes closed and walks up to the first person his finger touches and says. L touched you, know you touch two and go to work, seriously! It is not worth it to me, because he intentionally touches the same person every other day. So as team player the collaboration of two or more people to manage impressions jointly start the train to push so we look like heroes instead of zeroes in the commanders book. Dealing with his self- inflicted issues brings drama to the unit, and mood swings come flying throughout the entire day. Many of us, including myself deal with emotional labor at work, which is the effort that you exert to separate yourself from a situation in order to get your work done. I am pretty sure everyone in their life time has dealt with something that caused them to separate themselves from a crowd of people or maybe just a handful of people to prove that to themselves they need to be away from all negative vibes around them. I myself prefer to work alone in a quite environment with no distractions. Some people do not understand the values the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, that is set in place. Some things are better off left alone then edged on, and I see if my daily habits that I react to all of these emotions that I have built up inside f me, for the simple reason of people are not respectable enough to know or understand what is being said to ease the situation. We all come from different cultures of course, and understanding ones culture is the most important. When a person thinks of culture they think worship, and day to day living when its more than that. Culture is actually defined as the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that characterize a group and are passed from one generation to the next. On a day to day basis working with different people, I get involved into different rooms, some of us have to come out of the norm and get reevaluated to see somethings that we are not accustomed to. I get so caught up into my personal feelings and emotions and forget that this is work, but work is my life. My husband likes to tell me, no youre wrong, work is work, and my life is my life. I need to learn how to turn them off and work on myself and my family because have gotten so caught up on taking care of work and the things that comes with it, and I lack family needs. Which I understand him to be true, I have accommodated my family, which means The process of accommodation involves altering ones existing schemas, or ideas, as a result of new information or new experiences. I change up my ways in such a way to make them feel that I am still here, love and care for them the same, when in real ¶y my mind is in another place. I am so focused on making my job like me and appreciate the things do, I fall short of accommodating my own. I have deviated away from the ones who I really need to be there for, before am left all alone with no one there to care for. Looking at my life in the realm it is clear that my job is my main focus, it is everything to me. When in fact my job is nothing to me. I get up every morning, rushing to work, not once, but twice a day to ensure that I am promptly there on time, no flaws. Then later on rushing home to bring my family a meal, ensure the house is intact the girls are ready for bed then off to bed I go again with my husband looking at me as if I have never heard a word that he spoke to me. This is wrong. My indentations are all jacked up, I need to start focusing more on my family, and myself before I end up face down on the floor with no life left in me. I give everything have from sun up to sun down. Some of my daily habits need to change up to accommodate myself and my family and not just y job. The only thing do on a real note is bring forth conflict into my home, when that is the last place conflict should be. Thank god for my husband because he really do ensures do no overwhelm myself with work to much or even bring it home constantly because our girls need me to attend to them as well. At times even neglect my own work studies, and cram everything in at one time, to ensure it is turned in. Or I do it and fall asleep in the process. Have driven myself to be on medication, because I suffer from a very serious state of Insomnia, daily migraines, and PETS. None of this is good for my lath, knowing have kids and a husband, need to look at my life in a different manner to get better for them and myself. Life as know it is hard, I smile when do not know what else to do to keep people from seeing me hurt or upset. Maintain a fake life in public and depressed life at home. Walking into the doors I can see my burden being put onto my family, and they make me laugh to overcome it. A walk in my shoes is no easy task. I look at life so different, but do not get it. Until the day I realize I need to stop the things I am doing and change them all the way, it will not be that. It will untied to stay the same. Reference Page Heinlein, J. (2013). Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach [Vitalitys bookshelf version]. Retrieved from http://online. Viticulture. Com own. I have deviated away from the ones who really need to be there for, before I am left all alone with no one there to care for. Looking at my life in the realm it IS clear that my job is my main focus, it IS everything to me. When once, but twice a day to ensure that am promptly there on time, no flaws. Intact the girls are ready for bed then off to bed go again with my husband looking at me as if have never heard a word that he spoke to me. This is wrong. My indentations are all jacked up, need to start focusing more on my family, and myself before end up face down on the floor with no life left in me. Give everything I have from sun up to sun down. Some of my daily my job. The only thing I do on a real note is bring forth conflict into my home, when that is the last place conflict should be. I thank god for my husband because he really do ensures I do no overwhelm myself with work to much or well. At times I even neglect my own work studies, and cram everything in at one time, to ensure it is turned in. Or I do it and fall asleep in the process.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Monsters from ID Essays - Freudian Psychology, Free Essays
Monsters from ID Essays - Freudian Psychology, Free Essays Monsters from ID Margaret Tarratt (from Film Genre Reader IV) 383 Although the majority of science fiction films appear to express some kind of concern with the moral state of contemporary society, many are more directly involved with an examination of our inner nature. This article will argue that these films are deeply involved with the concepts of Freudian psychoanalysis and seem in many cases to derive their structure from it. They may deal with society as a whole, but they arrive at social comment through a dramatization of the individuals anxiety about his or her own repressed sexual desires, which are incompatible with the morals of civilized life Freud Anxiety and Instinctual Life: The commonest cause of anxiety neurosis is unconsummated excitation. Libidinal excitation is aroused but not satisfied, not employed; apprehensiveness then appears instead of this libido that has been directed from its employment...What is responsible for anxiety in hysteria and other neurosis is the process of repression. 393 The conquest of the monster of the id is the structural raison detre of many science fiction films. There are also some science fiction films which, while based on psychoanalytical concepts, concern themselves with a variation on this theme. A number of them deal with impotence and frigidity. This group included such films as Spider Woman (Roy William Neill, 1944), Wasp Woman (Roger Corman, 1960), and the The Fly (Kurt Neumann, 1958), which explore insect phobia- fear of castration and dread of the phallic mother. One of the earliest science fiction films to look at the sexual nature of woman is James Whales The Bride of Frankenstein (1935). Frankenstein (Whale, 1931) itself provides a fairly straightforward example of the kind of film discussed earlier, which examines the tension between subconscious sexual desires and the mores of civilization. The Bride assumes a knowledge of the earlier film in its continued exploration of such secret desires.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The strategy change of ROS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The strategy change of ROS - Essay Example There are two different views about the nature of change and the extent to which change affects organizations. One is incremental change and the other is transformational change. Change should not be done for the sake of change but it is a strategy to accomplish some overall goal. Usually organizational change is provoked by some major outside driving force, e.g., substantial cuts in funding, address major new markets/clients, need for dramatic increases in productivity/services, etc. Typically, organizations must undertake organization-wide change to evolve to a different level in their life cycle, e.g., going from a highly reactive, entrepreneurial organization to more stable and planned development. Transition to a new chief executive can provoke organization-wide change when his or her new and unique personality pervades the entire organization. By far the most sort of change in organizations is incremental change. There are some arguably views that it is beneficial for the nature of change in an organization to be incremental. Incremental change will build on the skills, routines and beliefs of those in the organization, so that change is efficient and likely to win their commitment. (Johnson &Scholes 2002). Incremental change focus on ‘doing things better’ through a process of continuous tinkering, adaptation and modification. Change in these periods builds on what has already been accomplished and has the flavors of continuous improvement. For transformational change, it is regarded mostly as fundamental, dramatic and large scale. It involves changing one or more assumptions in the organizational paradigm and with it the values of the organization. Transformational change could be seen as a means of marking out current thinking and practice as novel and different. It involves a break with the past, a step function change rather than an extrapolation of past patterns of change and development.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Exchange Rate Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Exchange Rate Policies - Essay Example Above balance of trade in favor of China says a lot about the comparative advantage that China has in a vast array of goods. Moreover, the pertinent point is that China has successfully tilted the advantage in its favor through a managed exchange rate regime. It is of no surprise that China has accumulated over $3trillion in its reserve through this comparative advantage in trade. A couple of years back, China had pegged its currency Yuan at about 8.28/dollar and that remained at that level fairly for a long time. China transited to a ‘managed float’ in 2005 but till date it has refrained from ‘free floating’ Yuan. China does so because it does not want to see its currency appreciate against dollar. In doing so, China may lose the comparative advantage that it has gained across a wide range of goods. The U.S. is passing through a dire recession and unemployment rate continues to hover around 9 percent for last several quarters. There is no denying to the fact that the U.S. industries are at great loss so far comparative advantage is concerned. That is why economists like Krugman (2011) strongly advocates that a weak dollar is in the interest of U.S. to protect its producers. That is also a way to eliminate the U.S. trade gap with China providing a level playing field to the U.S.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Against gun control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Against gun control - Research Paper Example Gun tragedies are frequently taking place throughout the world. Research indicates that only in United States of America the rate of gun homicides is 72% i.e. of every 100 homicides 72 are committed using guns (Stray). There are some people who are actually against the control of guns. Though they are very few in numbers yet their argument is far substantial as compared to those who are in favor of it. This paper aims to put forward the arguments from both sides while maintaining a firm position against it. Thesis Gun control is a significant need of today’s world in order to protect and safeguard humanity. However if one would closely analyze the overall situation then it is easy to identify that the real issue is not with the access and availability of guns, but rather the main problem is with the people and their peculiar mentality which compels them to harm or kill others. Therefore the present strategies related to gun control do not seem much beneficial and neither have they shown any decrease in the rate of crimes. People in favor of gun control usually emphasize upon the affects and influence of external environment. However, they neglect the fact that most of the human actions are driven by an internal force or motivation which is not only uncontrollable but it is also only under the influence of one’s mind. Therefore it would be more favorable to change the overall mindset of people rather than implementing laws regarding gun control through an outside force. Evidence In order to understand the concept of gun control and why few individuals stand against this argument, it is substantial to first look at why the government agencies want to remove guns from the society. The answer to this lies in the current statistics of homicides and other criminal activities such as bank robbery, theft, kidnapping, etc. Guns are largely considered to facilitate the overall crimes especially homicide because of its distinguishing features (Myers). For in stance, it is significantly easier for a gun holder to kill someone from a distance. Similarly it is a very handy weapon which can be easily kept in pockets or in bags. People who are shot by these guns due to any reason undergo serious injuries which prove fatal most of the times. Therefore the legislation is forced to remove guns from societies and to limit its use so as to grant maximum protection to the citizens. However, the most important point which they fail to consider is the hidden mentality and the real attitude of people which compels them to get indulged into such crimes. For instance, if an individual has determined to kill someone then he could do that through a knife or other weapons as well, representing that guns are not a necessary element of criminal acts. This indicates that it is far better to work on the mentality and human nurture rather than gun control since the former would generate more substantial results on long term basis. Research and analysis of the subject clearly indicates that people who are in practice of using guns are of the point of view that the use of gun is actually not the real issue rather the problem lies in the attitude of people (Sherfinski). Gun possession and its use to save the dignity of an individual is the most significant constitutional right. However with the legislation of gun control, this right of the population is challenged while the real issue remains the same i.e. the ever increasing rate of crime. The seemingly simple elimination of guns from the society is in real the removal of protection and liberty of masses which will
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Components Of The Global Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
Components Of The Global Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Tourism What is tourism? This word seems to be very familiar with us now a days. Yes, you are right. The very nature of tourism as a fragmented, diverse product , spread over many industries and comprising both intangible and tangible elements, means that it is a difficult sector to define. ( source: Tourism Principles and Practice, Fourth edition, Chris Cooper, John Fletcher, Alan Fyall, David Gilbert and Stephen Wanhill) As part of our aim of seeking to uncover ever deeper understandings of tourism and the relationships and entanglements it shares with the cultures it both occupies and generates it is important that we continue to explore various contextual geographical realities and imaginaries. Whatever imprecisions may surround the definition of the Middle East and North African region, it is a fascinating and important area to interrogate tourism and cultural change. It is a region long travelled which bears many markers of ancient tourism and hospitality. So, too, particularly in the Gulf States, does it display the drama and spectacle of what may call hyper-modernity. It is a vast region sharing commonalities of history, culture, language and religion which mark it as highly distinctive and yet intimately connected to the wider world in more nuanced and sometimes contested ways. ( source: Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change Vol. 8, No.4, December 2010, 223-224.) Since historical times, tourism activity is a relatively new development and only recently has been considered worthy of serious business endeavour or academic study. However the tourism sector is of sufficient economic importance and its impact upon economies, environments and societies is significant enough for the subject of tourism to deserve academic consideration. There is no doubt in our minds that tourism is a subject area or domain of study but that at the moment it lacks the level of theoretical underpinning that would allow it to become a discipline. Nevertheless, the popularity of tourism and the recognition of it by the governments, has accelerated tourism to expand on a vast level. Tourism shows signs of maturity with a growing academic community, increasing numbers of both journals and text books which are becoming specialised rather than all- embracing and a number of professional societies both internationally and within individual countries. ( source: Tourism Princi ples and Practice, Fourth edition, Chris Cooper, John Fletcher, Alan Fyall, David Gilbert and Stephen Wanhill) Various forms of tourism have evolved to cater to the desires and demands, healthy and unhealthy, that define the many niches that exist among consumers. The different types of tourism may include the following: back pack tourism, sex tourism, cruise tourism, trek tourism, heritage tourism, slum tourism, refugee tourism, spiritual tourism, gourmet tourism, medical tourism, green tourism, etc. Over the last 25 years, we have been assailed by a growing tourism lexicon that includes terms such as eco tourism, sustainable tourism, pro- poor tourism etc. Often they begin with a sound basis, and good intentions, and often, soon enough, are debased as the tourism industry subsumes them for their own advertising and promotion without genuinely altering the face of their offerings in the light of what was originally meant. ( source: by: DMello, Ceasar. Contours, Jan2008 Anniversary Book, Vol. 17/18 Issue 4/1, p8- 16, 9p). Along with the transport and the accommodation sector, attractions form one of the central components of tourism providing a vital element in the visitors enjoyment and experience. Attractions are central element in terms of what tourists visit at destinations as well as being something they may visit en route a destination. In many respects, they are the lifeblood of a destination ,because they are a part of appeal , ambience, and overall experience that visitors seek to consume in areas they visit. One of the major problems in identifying attractions is that they are patronized by tourists, but in terms of the scale and volume of visits, they are dominated by leisure and day trippers as well as local residents. In this respect the market for attractions is large and forms a vital part of the infrastructure of the destination area. ( source: Tourism Management, managing for change, Third Edition, Stephen J.Page). Attractions provide a vital nucleus for visitor spending in destinations, and when they are linked to regeneration strategies, they can be harnessed to create a new image and help reposition the city as a place to visit. A successful attraction industry is vital for a healthy tourism sector so that visitors have sufficient opportunity to undertake visits and to spend during their stay. Attractions are also a major draw for many visitors , and urban regeneration strategies by public and private sector agencies have pinned future tourism development around such hubs of visitor attraction activity. In many successful urban regeneration schemes where tourism has been a key component, visitor attractions and the creation of a visitor environment around these attractions has contributed to the success of the regeneration scheme. Yet, one of the main problems in examining visitor attractions is in defining what comprises an attraction. ( source: Tourism Management, managing for change, Thir d Edition, Stephen J.Page). For many tourist destinations around the world, it is their attractions that often serve as the catalyst for tourist visits. Attractions are numerous, diverse, fragmented geographically and often have limited resources at their disposal for purposes of management. Attractions provide the single most important reason for leisure tourism to a destination. Many of the components of the tourist trip for example, transport and accommodation are demands derived from the consumers desire to enjoy what a destination has to offer in terms of things to see and do. Thus a tourist attraction is a focus for recreational and, in part, educational activity undertaken by both day and stay visitors that is frequently shared with the domestic resident population. Every region and every town boasts of at least one attraction, adding to its appeal as a destination. Attractions often have an explicit educational purpose, are often central to the protection , or in fact creation, of cultural identities, and can contribute to the conservation and protection of many historic sites. This variety of sense of purpose is important in that it helps explain why attractions are often so difficult to manage, especially those that fall within the domain of the public secto r, such as museums. They often have to accommodate the numerous wishes of their stakeholders , the various expectations of different visitor groups , meet the needs of owners or trustees, and serve on occasion as attraction icons for national governments in international marketing strategies. There are many examples where attractions have played a catalytic role in the regeneration of an area or destination . The success of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain and the National Museum of New Zealand and its contribution to the development of Wellington as a destination are two examples of best practice. Such ionic or flagship attractions can be used to pull in visitors, meet needs of local residents, and develop stronger tourism activities within the destination. While a destination rarely survives long term on the basis of one attraction, it can be the key to pump-primer in more sustainable development of a destination. The fact that tourist attractions may be shared with the host community can give rise to conflict in popular destinations, where tourism is perceived to cause problems of crowding, traffic congestion, environmental damage and litter. There can thus be little doubt that the management of tourist attractions is a challenging activity with so many publics to please.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Silas Marner Essay -- essays research papers
In George Eliot’s Silas Marner, the reader is introduced to a number of characters that possess the elements of selfishness. Silas Marner, Godfrey Cass, and Dunstan Cass exhibit this trait numerous times during novel. Even though these characters all exhibit selfishness during this story, by the end their characteristics are not similar at all. This schism of development is one of the themes of the story that will be analyzed. Regardless of the similar characteristics characters may possess in the beginning of the story, they can become very different people by the end. These characteristics are not limiting and do not hinder the development of a character.      Dunstan Cass is a character that the reader finds extraordinarily selfish. The degree to which he manipulates people to gain more money and have a good time is ridiculous. In one instance, the speaker takes the reader into the mind of â€Å"Dunsey†as he is contemplating his plan to further scam his brother, Godfrey. In more than one instance, Dunstan reassures himself that he is more cunning than his brother and that manipulating him has become more like a game than anything else. Dunstan gathers loans from his brother and other townspeople and never pays them off. The precious gold of Silas Marner also falls prey to the tireless machine of greed that lies within                                              Callahan, Thomsen 2 Dunstan’s desensitized mind. The fact that he is taking something of much value away from a simple man like Silas Marner never crosses his mind as he makes his way into Marner’s house and steals the gold pieces. The purpose of the theft is not for the sake of being mean, but rather it is an opportunity to bail himself out of another hole he has dug by manipulating Godfrey. Of the three characters that are first introduced to the reader as being selfish, Dunstan remains cold and selfish even at the end of the novel. He does not learn anything and he does not go through a dramatic change in his life that will force him to re-evaluate his actions.      Godfrey Cass, brother to Dunstan Cass, is perhaps a litt... ... Thomsen 4 lives in. Furthermore, this action makes Silas look more human and compassionate to his fellow villagers. This opens Silas to inclusion by the group, and the townspeople, especially Dolly Winthrop, help Silas to raise Eppie. By the end of the novel Silas is very highly regarded by the members of his community and he appears to be very content with himself. This shows how Silas is transformed from a recluse miserly weaver to a kindhearted pillar of the community.      This transformation that Silas and Godfrey both undergo is a testament to the careful characterization employed by Ms. Eliot. This transformation, among other details, defines these characters making them appear vividly to the reader. Dunstan Cass’ actions are predictable making him take the form of a simple stock character. In literature, a character’s importance can often be measured by how vividly they are portrayed. This is also true in Silas Marner, where Silas and Godfrey are totally round characters, who are intricately involved in almost all important parts of the story; while Dunstan is extremely static, falling outside of the inner circle of highly important characters.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Thorn Queen Chapter Twenty-Two
I woke up with a headache even worse than the one I'd gotten shooting tequila on the night of Luisa's birth. Pain thudded to a steady drumbeat in my head, though at the same time, my senses felt foggy as a boring plaster ceiling slowly came into focus above me. Nausea welled up in my stomach, and I worried I was going to get sick. It had happened the last time I'd come crashing through the worlds. And speaking of the worlds†¦where was I? Easy enough to figure out, my groggy brain quickly realized. I'd been pulled out from the Otherworld, which meant I could either have been sent to the Underworld or the human world. The fact that I was still alive indicated I'd gone onto the latter. Why on earth would Abigail summon me to-fuck. There it was: the nausea again. I bit my lip and tried to sit up, not wanting to choke on my own vomit. Only, when I tried to rise, I didn't get very far. My hands were stretched above my head, tied to the headboard of the bed I lay on. No, not tied-cuffed. Cuffed with heavy steel, industrial-strength handcuffs. Bound or no, I did manage some semblance of sitting, just as my stomach betrayed me. A bowl got shoved under my face right at that moment, and I was grateful to spare the bedding and my clothes. I threw up twice before my benefactor gently asked, â€Å"Any more?†â€Å"I don't think so.†I squinted up and found myself looking into the face of a young girl, heavily freckled and brown-haired, with a nose a bit too small for the rest of her facial features. She was still cute enough, though, and-she was a gentry. For a moment, I wondered if I'd gotten confused about the banishment. Was I still in the Otherworld? No. This was definitely the human world. I could sense it. There was a way that magic hung in the air-or, rather, didn't hang in the air around here. The girl took the bowl away and returned with a damp cloth. She wiped my face with it and then my mouth. A moment later, she returned with a glass of water, which I drank gratefully. All of her movements were gentle and graceful. â€Å"What's your name?†I asked. â€Å"Cariena.†â€Å"That's really pretty. Where am I, Cariena?†I asked, tugging at the handcuffs. Those things weren't going to budge. The girl sat down on a chair in the corner. â€Å"In the world of the humans.†â€Å"I know that.†I tried hard not to let my tone get harsh. My leather from the fight was gone; I wore a T-shirt and underwear. â€Å"But where? What is this place?†She glanced around, as though the room might offer some secret insight. The walls were painted pale gray and matched the bedspread, a pattern of purple and grayish blue flowers. There was a small dresser in the corner, along with her chair, as well as the narrow twin bed I lay in. There wasn't a lot of space here-and no windows at all. â€Å"The Red Snake Man's house.†â€Å"The Red Snake-son of a bitch. Art.†My mind was still fuzzy, and I had a hard time grasping all the details of what had happened. I remembered bits and pieces of the fight. I remembered chasing the soldier and then Abigail banishing me†¦ But it was all still disjointed, and I had no recollection of how I'd gotten here. It was possible that was simply from the trauma of tearing through the worlds. Someone could have smacked me upside the head too, but the pain throbbing in my skull wasn't that type. As I'd noted earlier, it was more like the hangover type. Only worse. â€Å"Where is he now?†I asked. Cariena shook her head. â€Å"I don't know. He doesn't explain his activities to us.†â€Å"Us? Are there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Again, my addled brain tried to remember what I already knew. Why couldn't I line up my thoughts? It was like I had both the buzz and the hangover from drinking, all wrapped up into one. Us. Art. Red Snake Man. â€Å"Are there†¦others like you here? Other girls?†She nodded. â€Å"How many?†â€Å"Five-no, four. They took Fara yesterday. Isanna's next.†â€Å"They who?†â€Å"One of the men. They come sometimes. They look at us. Sometimes they just†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She looked away, unwilling to meet my eyes. â€Å"Sometimes they just†¦visit. But sometimes they make a deal with the Red Snake Man to take one of us.†â€Å"Art,†I murmured. â€Å"His name is Art. Red Snake Man seems to give him some semblance of respect.†I started to rub my eyes and then realized I couldn't with the cuffs. â€Å"Are the other girls chained up too?†â€Å"Only the ones who resist.†â€Å"Well, yeah, I guess that would include me. I take it you're not one?†â€Å"Not anymore.†â€Å"Why don't you leave? You must have some magic†¦even a little.†Cariena held up her hands. She didn't have handcuffs like me, but snug iron bracelets hugged each wrist, each with a tiny lock. The skin was red and swollen where the iron touched. â€Å"Jesus†¦so you're blocked from your magic. But, I mean, can't you just walk out the door?†â€Å"There's iron†¦iron everywhere. The windows, the doors. They're all bound with iron and spells. And locks. Besides†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her blue eyes widened slightly. â€Å"I don't know where I would go†¦not in this world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Home,†I said fiercely. â€Å"You'll go home. I'll take you there.†She shook her head, face sad. â€Å"There's no escape from here. Not even for you.†I eyed her curiously. â€Å"Do you know who I am?†â€Å"You are the Thorn Queen. Storm King's daughter. You are my sovereign.†She gave a deferential nod of respect. â€Å"And I know you are a great warrior and magic user. But if the Red Snake Man caught even you, then there's no hope for any of us. Moria tried to escape, and she died out there.†â€Å"Moria did escape. She didn't die, and-†I stopped. Why was my brain such mush? Why was I thinking so slowly? A great warrior and magic user. I didn't need my hands to get out of here. I had my magic. The iron and steel that stunted Cariena's magic had hardly any effect on me, and I would have had enough time by now to rebuild my stores of power. I reached into myself and then to the world around, seeking water and air, though not certain what I'd do with them. Blow the headboard apart? Oxidize the handcuffs? The decision turned out not to matter. Nothing happened. I felt nothing. I felt†¦well, human. I felt as I had for years, long before I'd had any clue I could touch any sort of Otherworldly magic. I was cut off. My mind touched only empty space. â€Å"What's wrong with me?†I asked, true panic starting to unravel in me. â€Å"My magic's gone. The steel shouldn't affect me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"It's not the steel,†a voice suddenly said. â€Å"It's the nightshade. And I think you're overdue.†Art strolled into the room, looking as dashing as ever with his tanned skin and movie-star smile. I had nothing but contempt for him and instinctually tried to break the cuffs. Nightshade†¦nightshade. Where had I heard that before? Rurik, I realized. He'd advised something called a tincture of nightshade to completely cut off Jasmine from her magic. Was that what I'd been given? He'd said it was the most effective†¦but that it made those with human blood feel dazed and sick. All of a sudden, I knew this fuzzy hangover feeling didn't have anything to do with me being banished. There was no real purpose in discussing nightshade with Art, so I got right to the point. â€Å"I'm going to kill you.†Art laughed that hearty, deep laugh I'd once found endearing. â€Å"Forgive me if I'm not scared.†He turned to Cariena. â€Å"Go get some more nightshade for Eugenie. And make sure Isanna is dressed and ready to go when Abigail returns.†Cariena was practically out of the room before he finished speaking. â€Å"I can't believe it,†I said. â€Å"It's really true. When I first started putting together this fairy sex-trade theory, I thought it was as crazy as Roland thought it was. But it's really true. Where's this Isanna going? Is Abigail taking her to her new owner?†He leaned back and crossed his legs. â€Å"I suppose you could say that. I like to think of it as her new loving home. The man who bought her is very eager to welcome her.†â€Å"You're a fucking bastard,†I growled. â€Å"Selling them like they're property.†â€Å"Might as well be. And if it makes you feel better, I don't sell all of them. Cariena there†¦hmm, well, she's not pretty enough to get a good price. Easier to keep her around for house calls.†â€Å"House calls.†I started to feel sick again, and it had nothing to do with the nightshade. â€Å"Basically, you're whoring her out. You sell sex slaves and run a brothel-and yet, all the while, you play hero shaman like you're doing the world a good deed. Roland couldn't say enough nice things about you.†Art straightened up, feet hitting the floor as a flash of anger shone in his eyes. â€Å"I am doing the world a good deed-this world. Those girls? They're nothing. They aren't human. And you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He shook his head. â€Å"You're one to talk about image. You play hero shaman too, when in reality you're off commanding gentry armies. Does Roland know? Does he know what you really are? I'm sure he has to know you're a half-breed mongrel, but does he really know the extent of it?†White-hot rage burned within the drug-induced haze of my mind. â€Å"I think you forgot the part where I'm going to kill you.†â€Å"And you forgot the part where I said I'm not worried.†Cariena returned holding a coffee mug. I eyed it warily. â€Å"What are you going to do with me?†I demanded. â€Å"You would have killed me already if you could, yet you probably aren't going to let me go now that I know your dirty secret. Are you going to sell me off too? Keep me for yourself since you don't like gentry?†Art shook his head and approached my bed. â€Å"Eugenie, you couldn't pay me enough to keep you around. I'd take one of these idiot girls any day. Turn on the microwave, and they're so scared that they'll stay docile for weeks.†He gestured Cariena to his side and reached down to hold my head in place. I realized what he was going to do and began thrashing. With one hand he tried to keep me still, and with the other he partially held my mouth open. â€Å"Do it,†he said. Obediently, Cariena poured the liquid from the mug into my half-open mouth. As she did, she mouthed, I'm sorry. The stuff tasted horrible, and I gagged on it. I tried to spit it out, but Art promptly covered my mouth until I had to swallow. That bitterness flowed down my throat, and I could feel a new wave of numbness start to sweep over me. â€Å"Yes,†said Art, almost cheerfully. â€Å"You're trouble. I don't want you. I don't know any human who would. But fortunately, we got an offer from someone who isn't.†I think he was smiling that stupid smile again, but I could never say for sure. The force of the nightshade flooded through me, pulling me into fuzziness, then darkness, and then sleep. I immediately noticed two things when I came to later. One was that Art was still in the room, though I think he'd just returned and hadn't been watching me sleep. The other thing I noticed was that I was uncuffed. I didn't waste any time. I promptly leapt out of the bed and charged him. Unfortunately, I didn't really make it off the bed so well. The nightshade was chugging along in my system, and my limbs barely had the energy to stay upright. I fell off the bed and collapsed into an ungraceful pile on the floor. Cariena was there too, holding a bundle of clothing, and started to come help me. Art shook his head, and she froze. â€Å"Looks like you won't be killing me today,†he said. â€Å"You fucking bastard,†I said, tossing one arm on the bed and attempting to pull myself up. â€Å"How long was I out?†â€Å"Oh, an hour or so. That's usually the worst part of it for humans. Now that you're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, Cariena's going to help you look respectable.†I glared at him. I didn't know who'd stripped me down to this T-shirt and underwear, but if it had been him, he'd die extra slow. The scathing look he gave me suggested, however, that he found as little pleasure in me as I did in him. â€Å"You can't keep me here,†I warned, managing at last to sit back on the bed. â€Å"Someone's going to come looking for me.†â€Å"Who?†he asked. â€Å"You were the idiot who wandered off from your people. None of them saw you taken. None of them saw me or any of my companions-well, except for your two meager guards, and they won't say anything to anyone ever again.†With a sinking feeling, I knew he was right. Nobody knew what had happened to me. I'd mentioned the Yellow River theory off and on to a few of my friends, but none of them had any reason to suspect that was connected to my post-battle disappearance. If anything, they'd probably think there'd been another demon on the loose. â€Å"Who the hell were your companions anyway?†I demanded, recalling the trained fighters. â€Å"Did you hire a mercenary army or something?†Art only smiled. â€Å"Cariena, get her dressed.†To me, he said, â€Å"Cooperate, or she'll be the one who suffers for your disobedience.†He left, shutting the door behind him. I heard the snick of a lock. Across the room, Cariena watched me with big, terrified eyes. She feared both me and Art. I sighed. â€Å"It's okay. I'll get dressed. I don't want to run around in my underwear anyway.†Visibly relieved, she stepped forward and unfurled what she held: a dress. A gentry-style dress. â€Å"You have got to be kidding me,†I said. â€Å"Isn't there something else?†Cariena cringed. â€Å"It's all he gave me.†I eyed the bedspread, almost wondering if I could go all Scarlett O'Hara and make something for myself. Then, seeing Cariena's pale face, I yielded again. I wouldn't let Art beat her or give her to some guy because of me. I took the dress from her but discovered I couldn't put it on without help, not with my weak muscles and groggy motor control. Being in that state infuriated me. I hated being helpless. More upsetting still was that I was essentially free, unbound and able to move about†¦but I had no means to fight or defend myself. I could barely even stand. I was a prisoner in my own body. The dress was a mix of lavender and pale blue. I guess you'd call it periwinkle, which I'd always thought was a dorky name. It was made of smooth, clingy velvet that hugged my body and laced up the back corset-style. The sleeves were long and form-fitting, and the scoop neckline was much lower than my usual style. I'd only wear something that showed that much cleavage if I was going on a date with Kiyo-or trying to coax a favor from Dorian. Kiyo and Dorian. It sounded pathetic and all damsel-in-distress, but I would have given anything to have them here right now. Cariena clasped her hands and studied me almost adoringly. â€Å"You look beautiful, your majesty. I see now why you have so many suitors back in our world.†Our world. â€Å"Well, I don't think my beauty plays quite as much a role as you think.†She produced a brush and undid the knotted ponytail in my hair. â€Å"I don't know if I want to be beautiful or not. I used to think I did. But since I'm not, no one will take me from here.†She sounded grateful. â€Å"You are beautiful,†I said sharply, angry at what Art had said. â€Å"And someone is going to take you from here-me.†Cariena gave me a small, sad smile, but for the first time, I thought there might be something like hope in her eyes. A knock at the door startled her back into timid mode as she leapt up from where she'd sat beside me. â€Å"Oh! He's here.†â€Å"Who?†I asked. Surely Art wouldn't have knocked. The lock clicked, and the door opened. Leith walked in. â€Å"Leith!†I exclaimed. He looked as I'd seen him before, clad in a red and white silk shirt, dark hair glossy and swept from his face in a ponytail. I wanted to jump up but knew I'd fall to the floor again. â€Å"Thank God.†Someone did know I was here. I wasn't lost forever. I wanted to tell Cariena we were on the verge of freedom, but she was already scurrying out of the room and hastily shutting the door. â€Å"Eugenie,†breathed Leith, striding toward me. He knelt on the ground and caught hold of my hands where I sat. â€Å"You are stunning†¦as beautiful as I remember. No, more so. You can't imagine how I've missed you.†A chill crept along my spine. Something was very, very wrong here. â€Å"Leith†¦we have to get out of here. You have to help me-and these girls. There are horrible things going on here.†â€Å"We can leave,†he said. â€Å"But not quite yet. Not until everything's settled.†I tested his hand to see if I could free mine. I couldn't. â€Å"Until what's settled?†â€Å"Until then,†he continued, as though I hadn't spoken, â€Å"you'll have to stay here where no one can find you. But I promise I'll visit you every day.†â€Å"I can't stay here! I have to get back to†¦anywhere that's not here. Tucson. The Thorn Land. Anywhere! Leith, what the hell is going on? Why are you here?†â€Å"Because you are. Because Art got you for me.†That chill down my spine spread to the rest of my body until I felt cold all over. I tried jerking my hand away again but didn't possess the strength. â€Å"How do you know Art? Oh God. Please tell me you aren't working with him.†He shrugged. â€Å"It's a mutually beneficial relationship. I help him collect girls in our-in the Otherworld.†â€Å"Girls from my kingdom,†I said, the realization coming suddenly. â€Å"That's why none of yours were ever taken.†Leith had the grace to look sheepish. â€Å"I don't take important ones, Eugenie. Just peasants. No one notices they're missing.†â€Å"Their parents do.†â€Å"Look, it doesn't matter. My soldiers help round them up, and I bring them to Art and Abigail to do what it is they do.†My soldiers. The soldiers who always wore red, just like Leith did now. Normally, red shirts made me think of Star Trek extras, but in this case, it was in tribute to the Rowan Land's flag and emblem. The soldiers Jasmine and others had seen weren't Aeson's deserters. They'd been sent by Leith to help Art and Abigail with their abductions. â€Å"They sell them, Leith! How can you stand by and enable that? They sell those girls to horny guys against their will. What can you possibly get out of it to justify having that on your conscience?†â€Å"This.†He gestured around. â€Å"Art and Abigail share things with me†¦their knowledge from this world. I take it back to mine.†I stared in disbelief. â€Å"And then you pass it off as your own. That's why everyone thinks you're such a technological genius. Did you really devise those irrigation plans for me yourself?†â€Å"No,†he admitted. â€Å"I had help. But does it really matter? Look, you don't know what it's like. You're strong. Your magic grows more powerful every day. But me? I'm a joke. I can't inherit. Proving myself with my ‘genius' was the only way to get any respect†¦and even that wouldn't be good enough to let me inherit. Until I met you.†â€Å"Leith-â€Å" â€Å"I know what you said, but my feelings haven't changed. I love you. And I know if you just spend a little more time with me, you'll love me too. We connect. There's something between us. It's more than just about power.†I leaned back. It was the only way I could put distance between us. â€Å"I'm not so sure about that. You think I'm your meal ticket to holding on to the Rowan Land.†â€Å"Not just that land, but all the lands! This world too. Eugenie, when you bear my son, you'll see that I'm right.†There was a zealous glow in his eyes, and I couldn't decide if he was crazy or just really, really believed these things would be true if he said them. Maybe there wasn't a difference. â€Å"I can make you happy-and I know you can make me happy. You're so beautiful†¦.†He moved up to sit beside me on the bed and ran one hand along my velvet-covered leg. â€Å"Leith†¦don't†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I just need to get you pregnant,†he said earnestly. â€Å"Don't you understand? If I bring you back to our world carrying my child, everything will be solved. Art told me†¦he told me how you stop yourself from conceiving. How you take some potion every day.†His hand moved up to my hip while his other touched my face and stroked my hair. I tried to back away, but his grip was too strong in my addled state. â€Å"He said if you're away from it long enough that you'll be able to have a baby†¦.†I swallowed. My heart was threatening to pound out of my chest. â€Å"No†¦it won't work. You can't get me pregnant-because I already am.†His caresses froze. â€Å"What?†â€Å"You were right before about me being involved with Dorian. Kiyo was a cover. He's not worthy-he's no one I'd want to father my child. Dorian and I have been lovers for a long time now in secret. We were afraid of what his enemies would do if they found out. I've been pregnant for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ What wouldn't show? â€Å"†¦two months. It's too late for you, Leith.†He had gone perfectly still, save for his eyes, which were searching my face thoroughly. â€Å"I don't believe you. You're lying. Everyone knows how you bicker with the Oak King. You aren't lovers.†â€Å"We are. He'll kill you when he finds out.†Leith shook his head and slid his hand from my hip to my stomach. â€Å"There's nothing here. Not yet.†Panic flooded me, and for a moment I couldn't breathe. Every other time I'd come close to being raped flashed through my mind-and there had been far more of those times than I would have liked. And every time, I had escaped the situation. Yet that never made the next time any less terrifying. This was no exception. â€Å"Leith, please don't do this.†His hand moved fumblingly to my breast, and then he pushed me back against the bed. â€Å"It's okay,†he said, speaking as one would to a child. â€Å"It'll be okay. You'll like it. I promise.†â€Å"Don't do this!†His mouth was on my neck, and lovesick boy or no, there was definitely a man's sexual need there. I struggled against him, trying desperately to free myself, but I might as well have truly been a child. With that fucking drug in me, both my body and brain were a mess. My body had none of its ability to fight him or stop him from pushing up my skirt. My brain had no clever ways to talk him out of this. And as he took off his own clothes and laid his body on top of mine, pressing me down, I realized he needed no handcuffs to keep me subdued. The strength of his hands pinning my wrists was more than enough.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Beautiful Mind Essay
A Beautiful Mind Essay A Beautiful Mind Essay â€Å"Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse had never been. What kind of hell would that be?†A Beautiful Mind (2001) For John Nash, living with the diagnosis of schizophrenia meant this tormenting battle of delusion versus reality would be fought for a lifetime. By definition, schizophrenia is a devastating brain disorder that affects a person’s thinking, language, emotions, social behavior, and ability to perceive reality accurately. (Halter p.200) While the disease manifests itself differently among age groups, all individuals will experience at least one psychotic symptom which may include hallucinations, delusions and/or disorganized speech. (Halter p.202) In addition, sufferers may neglect hygiene, nutrition, be socially awkward or eccentric and have experience greater anxiety, depression and decreased concentration. Substance abuse is also associated with schizophrenia and nicotine dependence rates range between 70%-90% for patients. Delusions are false fixed beliefs that cannot be corrected by reasoning. The most common types of delusions are persecutory, grandiose, or those involving religious or hypochondriacal ideas. (Halter p.204-205) Hallucinations are also a common symptom among those who have schizophrenia. Auditory hallucinations are experienced by 60% of people with the disease at some time during their lives. (Halter p. 207) The scientific consensus is that the disease occurs when multiple inherited gene abnormalities combine with nongenetic factors such as viral infections, stressors, or birth injuries, altering the structure of the brain, affecting the brain’s neurotransmitter systems and/or injuring the brain directly. (Halter p. 202) In the movie A Beautiful Mind, we are given a glimpse into the life of John Nash, a world- renowned mathematician who is also a victim of schizophrenia. Although John Nash is ultimately rewarded with the Nobel Prize for his work, it is not an easy journey for him or his family. The beginning of the movie portrays Mr. Nash as an eager minded student who triumphantly enters Princeton University as a recipient of the Carnegie Prize, an esteemed award for mathematics. We notice his slightly awkward way of dealing with classmates and with women. We meet his intellectual rival, Martin Hansen who challenges him to a game of Go. Nash does not win the game and is greatly trouble by this. He explains, â€Å"I had the first move. My play was perfect. The game is flawed.†A Beautiful Mind (2001). Despite his less than comfortable presence around people, Nash does forge a friendship with Martin, Sol and Bender. These three young men are also math and science students who later aid him in his work. Nash displays an immense passion for work that bleeds into every aspect of his life. Whether in his dorm room drawing on the window or at local pub contemplating how to get everyone a date, his mind is constantly in motion. Nash also has a roommate during his years at Princeton. When first meeting Charles Herman, it is easy for the audience to be drawn to his charismatic persona and devotion to John. The interaction between the two is reminiscent of college roommates at any institution as they share laughs, struggles and victories. Nash later admits that Charles was his best friend over the years. While at Princeton, Nash must find an original idea for his thesis paper before he can begin work. The pressure is enormous to do so before anyone else. Nash is successful in this venture with his discovery of the game theory. He gains the respect of Martin, his former rival and begins work with Sol and Bender. This type of mathematical economics, impacts lives even today. Following hi s work at Princeton, he accepts a job at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is during this time he meets Alicia Larde. Alicia is a graduate student in his class who takes an interest and even asks him to
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Write A Journal Reflection After You Read An Article That I Will
Write A Journal Reflection After You Read An Article That I Will Write A Journal Reflection After You Read An Article That I Will Upload. (The Course Topic Is – Book Report/Review Example Building on Reflective Practice: Becoming ‘real’ Aboriginal teachers Becoming ‘real’ Aboriginal teachers: attending to intergenerationalnarrative reverberations and responsibilitiesThe article written by Young, et al. (2010) proffered issues pertinent to the narrated stories on the experiences of six Aboriginal teachers: Brenda, Mary, Jennifer, Jerri-Lynn, Khea, Lucy and Lulu as they pursued higher education in Canada and delved into research work. The intergenerational narrative reverberations were used intermittently throughout the discourse to manifest stories told of each teacher’s experiences that remain part of the cultural, historical, social events that shaped their personal and professional development. The remarkable comments noteworthy of the author’s contentions were the discriminations felt by the teachers against White people. One teacher’s perception of prejudice encompassed being discriminated likewise by their own people as the teachers were classified as ‘not fitting’ in any world, further rendering their own respective families as ‘not normal’. More profoundly revealed were the perceived inequality in terms of having no permanent contracts given to Aboriginal teachers; no allocated classroom space; stereotyping schools that encourage the participation and attendance o Aboriginal students and teachers as ‘not as strong’, ‘not as good’, or ‘not as qualified’. Through their stories, as revealed through their points of views and narrated professionally through their perspectives, the aim was to reveal the continued experience of â€Å"being excluded or silenced by dominant historical, institutional and social narratives positioning them as not ‘real’ teachers†(Young, et al., June 2010, p. 288).The authors effectively relayed oppression continued to be imposed by society, specifically coming from a sector (the academ e) that is expected to possess the knowledge and understanding of according equality in instructions and treatment. Through the points of views of Aboriginal teachers who, despite these challenges and odds, remained determined and persistent to improve their craft and hone their personal and professional skills, their stories now become part of the education’s history acknowledging the responsibilities of the academic community to recognize the need to change for the better.ReferenceYoung, M., Chester, J.-L., Flett, B. M., Joe, L., Marshall, L., Moore, D., et al. (June 2010). Becoming real Aboriginal teachers: attending to intergenerational narrative reverberations and responsibilities. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice , Volume 16, Number 3, 285-305.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Bear Grylls Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Bear Grylls Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Next this paper will postulate as to the marketing strategy employed by the man in order to achieve this level of success followed by a critical discussion of how this marketing strategy might serve him in the near to late future. Lastly this paper will conclude with some remarks regarding how the strategies employed by Bear Grylls bight apply to some other individuals trying to achieve the same level of fame as this enterprising young entrepreneur. According to Martin (2004) in an interview with Grylls he indicated that although it is the case that Grylls was born in Northern Ireland when he was four years old the family moved to the Isle of Wight and his father was conservative party politician Sir Michael Grylls. Grylls was born Edward Michael Grylls but was given the nickname ‘Bear’ by his sister whilst he was sill a young man. According to City Speakers International (2010) it is the case that Grylls was educated at a number of different places such as Eton College and the University of London, however upon graduation Grylls spent several months hiking around the Himalayan Mountans. It was during this time that he decided to join the Special Air Service and during a parachuting accident in Kenya he managed to crush three vertebrae which nearly cost him his life and could have left him paralyzed. It was during his lon rehabilitation that Grylls ended up being discharged and redirected all of his efforts at achieving a childhood goal of climbing Mount Everest. According to City Speakers International (2010) on May 26th, 1998 Bear became the youngest of all British climbers to successfully ascend to the summit of Mount Everest and return alive. It has been estimated that one out of every six mountaineers who attempt to climb to the top will die in the process. It was upon this foundation of excitement and lust for adventure that Grylls began a number of other major extreme endeavors. According to Blundell (2003) Bear circumnavigated
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Nature vs. Nurture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nature vs. Nurture - Research Paper Example This paper aims to critically assess different schools of thought regarding the issue of nature vs. nurture. Famous anthropologists of all time including Edward Wilson, Sherry Ortner etc. have provided their in-depth addresses regarding nature vs. nurture debate. These anthropologists have greatly provided three distinctive grounds of understanding the issue of nature vs. nurture. Before understanding the addresses of differing schools of thought, it is imperative to note that the analogy of any individual cannot be solely dependent upon one factor (Gass, 2007). Looking at the issue of nature vs. nurture, it can well state that the socio-biological school of thought claims that it is the nature which is more likely to dominate nurture. It is said because the genetic patterns of human beings are able to work favorably than with un-relative selection of genes. In other words, it can be said that association between the genetic relatives is more likely to be effective rather than being connected to strangers. This may come under the standing of nepotism. This concludes that a person may be angry because the family that he belongs have higher rate of anger-showing behavior. This may genetically get forwarded to kin selected in relative genetic structure. In many settings of human interaction, it has been noted that individuals may be able to undertake a strong decision because they believe that the family genes will allow transmission of same flexible behavior to upcoming generations. Similar patterns of needs and desire among human beings are noted when the genetic mapping of their cells is relative to each other. This has also been proven by science that cell generation may have equal characterization. However, this can also lead to another argument stating the weaknesses of a human to be transferred to upcoming generations (Fotaki, 2011). Secondly, a most powerful yet a very logical school of thought are considered to be feminist. It is because the nature and nu rture of babies would always be associated with women one way or the other. This is because they are the ones who will share the experiences forward by educating and training kin (Shankman, 2011). It will not be incorrect to state that the feminist school of thought has basically rejected old school of thought that have not considered the feminist view or cultural representation of women. Herein, it should be marked that the feminist view is based upon gender and not sex. It is because the phenomenon of gender is basically a statement role given to an individual as perceived in the culture. On the other hand, sex is a universal depicter. By understanding this, it rather becomes clear that nature and nurture is greatly affected by the way they are living as a gender in any society (LeVine, 2010). Women raise children under different settings having experiences of their representation. This is the major reason behind different behavior among people. The gender difference has made it q uite evident that nurture of individuals may be affected y large depending upon the environment. In this way, the feminist view rejects the concept of genetic linking of cells that makes upon behavior pattern theory. The anthropologists who look at the issue of nature vs. nurture in a more appropriate manner may categorize human experiences into two categories. Firstly, it is the mental domain of people where individuals are more likely to have an opinion about them. The
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